North Rhine, Abigail and Losantiville Apartments
Over-the-Rhine and West End, Cincinnati, Ohio
Project Type
Construction Cost
Firm Responsibility
Project Status
Affordable Housing
Historic Renovation
Scattered site development of 30 buildings
132 apartment units
$17 million
Affordable Tax Credit Funding Package
Historic Tax Credit Funding Packages
Construction Documents
Construction Administration
Ohio and Federal Historic Tax Credits
Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) - Low-Income Housing Tax Credits
LEED for Homes Silver - Certification (three buildings)
Enterprise Green Communities Certification
Completed 2012 / 2013
Model Group
The North Rhine, Abigail and Losantiville Apartments is a three-phase, scattered site revitalization project in the Over-the-Rhine and Dayton Street National Historic Districts. This historic rehabilitation project completed in 2013 successfully transformed low quality, low income “housing of last resort” into top quality contemporary affordable housing that is indistinguishable from market rate housing in Cincinnati’s popular urban neighborhoods.